What we do
The Capability Company was set up to ‘support positive change’ by helping organisations to operate more effectively, bringing people together to exchange knowledge and ideas, and helping develop new initiatives.
We aim to work in a way which brings multiple benefits to everyone involved.
For the Capability Company:
- chairing must be focused, purposeful and agreed – and can often be delivered with a lighter touch.
- facilitation must create an environment in which everyone feels able to have their say but holds to purpose and timetable.
- training must be participatory, enjoyable, and highly effective, so that it is well worth while busy people taking time out to upskill.
- conferences and seminars must be interactive and vibrant, with contributions not only from key-note ‘celebrities’, but just as importantly, people who know their stuff because they are practitioners or users – because everyone has information to share.
The Capability Company is committed to working in a way which is empowering and which recognises the importance of diversity and equality of opportunity.